5 Mother’s Day Promotional IDEAS to Drive Sales

It’s hard enough to get everything organized for your own mom (or maternal figure) on Mother’s Day, but if you’re a small business owner you also have the pressure of… Continue reading 5 Mother’s Day Promotional IDEAS to Drive Sales

Building a Solid Reputation

Your reputation is the world’s opinion of your character. Your character determines how much others trust you. And the trust you inspire determines how many opportunities you will receive.

Are You Easy to Do Business With?

Are You Easy to Do Business With? Studies have shown that one of the most important factors in obtaining and retaining customers is how easy you are to do business… Continue reading Are You Easy to Do Business With?

Building Influence: The Magic of Ordinary Days

Building Influence: The Magic of Ordinary Days When it comes to marketing, one of the biggest mistakes people make is expecting too much too soon. Well, you know what they… Continue reading Building Influence: The Magic of Ordinary Days

The Buyer’s Journey

No matter what business you’re in, your ultimate job is to lead your customer along the buyer’s journey. This is defined as “the experience prospects go through before they become… Continue reading The Buyer’s Journey

Word of Mouth Marketing in 2020: How to Create a Strategy for Social Media Buzz & Skyrocket Referral Sales

Word of mouth advertising and marketing can be a monumentally strong player in growing your retail business. But it’s imperative to start with the fundamentals. It doesn’t matter how many marketing… Continue reading Word of Mouth Marketing in 2020: How to Create a Strategy for Social Media Buzz & Skyrocket Referral Sales

Your Customer Relationships Are Critical to Your Success

Everyone in business knows that repeat customers are the keys to increased sales and long-term success. Estimates vary, but the conventional wisdom is that it’s much easier to retain an… Continue reading Your Customer Relationships Are Critical to Your Success

Selling In Tough Times – Updated with advice for sales teams affected by Covid-19

customer paying with credit card in store

This is a time to have conversations that are real, supportive and helpful. We sought out some advice from Nicki Kinton…who has this sound advice: “Many of us don’t like asking… Continue reading Selling In Tough Times – Updated with advice for sales teams affected by Covid-19

How to maximize barter for your business

Here are some points on how you can maximize barter for your business!