Learn how to grow your business when you’re low on cash!

If you’re an entrepreneur, business owner, or contractor looking to learn how to get more customers and save on business expenses then this is the session for you.

Building a Solid Reputation

Your reputation is the world’s opinion of your character. Your character determines how much others trust you. And the trust you inspire determines how many opportunities you will receive.

How To Create Loyalty For Your Business

In the winter of 1934, Earl Nichols of London, Ontario, was 33 years old, unemployed, and flat broke. It was the middle of the Great Depression. The economy had ground… Continue reading How To Create Loyalty For Your Business

3 Main Benefits of Barter!

1. Find new customer, save your cash and fill your down time!

How can a barter exchange promote my business?

One of the primary objectives of a barter exchange is to help your business increase sales. By joining a barter exchange, it enables you to reach out to a new customer base you otherwise would not have had the opportunity to market your products or services too. Just imagine being able to market your products and services to a private network with hundreds of businesses.

Barter for the Modern Business

Barter by definition is the direct exchange of goods or services without the use of cash. It’s been used by people for centuries