Exmerce For Your Business

More Sales.
More Freedom.
​ More Clients.​

Why are hundreds of Alberta businesses choosing to do business using Exmerce’s barter platform?

Because Exmerce gives businesses the power to do more with less money, no matter the size of the business or team.

Exmerce for Every Business

Whether you own a small business and you’re hungry for more clients; or you’re a professional at a mid-sized company and you’re seeking to grow your network and improve your sales; or you work with an enterprise-level corporation and you’re looking to enhance your company’s corporate value through employee perks and charitable contributions…Exmerce can help.

How Does Modern Day Barter Work?

Exmerce has created a flexible, secure, and fully accountable way for businesses to barter their goods and services, with other local businesses. By using Exmerce, you can quickly earn Exmerce Dollars for the goods and services you sell. Your transactions are recorded electronically in your member account, which works just like a bank account. Spend the Exmerce Dollars in your account on any goods or services offered in the Exmerce community. It’s that easy!

More Customers

Every business wants more customers, but they often have to invest a lot of money into marketing in order to get them. It doesn’t have to be that way! When you become part of Exmerce, you open the door to a tight-knit community of hundreds of local businesses and entrepreneurs who want to support each other and grow. It’s the perfect referral and marketing program without the hefty costs. New customers, more sales, and added profitability – the perfect trio with Exmerce!

Increased Sales

As an Exmerce member, you’ll introduce your business to a new group of potential customers, partners, and allies. That means networking and building loyalty within an exclusive community of Alberta business members. With that kind of exposure, you have a huge opportunity to increase your sales! And remember, your Trade Broker is continually promoting you within the exchange to other members. We add new members every month, always increasing your opportunity to do more business.

Save Cash

Exmerce eliminates the need to pay cash for your ongoing business or personal expenses. There are hundreds of products and services your business can use within the Exmerce community to support your operational, managerial, or marketing needs. Not only do you get to keep your money in your business, your purchases are financed with the business brought to you by the Exmerce network. It is the perfect solution when you want to create a positive cash flow.

Alberta's Barter Community

Exmerce is Alberta’s fastest-growing barter and trade exchange platforms, but what sets us apart from others is our members! Our community of business professionals come from an array of industries that strengthen the value of offerings you can receive through bartering. If your organization is looking to grow your sales, enhance your marketing, or simply improve your employee benefits, then give Exmerce a try and see how leveraging bartering can improve your efforts.

Barter for all business sizes:

Network. Trade.

Grow your business Exmerce

Why Barter Works for Business Owners

Turn Excess Inventory or Time into Profit

Exmerce provides the perfect channel for you to book yourself to capacity or sell your inventory that’s been discontinued, reduced, or difficult to sell. Instead of deeply discounting your products or services, you can sell at full retail value in Exmerce Dollars to the members in the exchange. Then you can put those Exmerce Dollars to use by purchasing the things you need for your business, without affecting your cash flow. It’s a win-win situation all around.

Exmerce helps businesses grow through the power of bartering

Whether you need new clients or innovative ways to finance business services, Exmerce can help!

The Value Of Bartering For Businesses

Business Financing No-Debt Option

From accounting and marketing to business development services, barter gives your business access to more skills without having to secure business financing to cover the upfront costs.

Augmented Sales & Low-Cost B2B Marketing Solution

Get more customers with Exmerce by joining our tight-knit community of local businesses and entrepreneurs. Barter helps you gain exposure and new business without the hefty cost of a dedicated sales team.

Enhanced Employee Benefits & Perks

Use barter for your team and exchange your Exmerce Dollars for employee perks such as: gift certificates, health spending, holiday & corporate gifting, event tickets, and more.

Increase Cash Flow

Convert excess inventory and downtime into Exmerce Dollars, and increase your cash flow by bartering instead of emptying your bank account.

Outsources Business Services

Partner with other Exmerce members and share business without turning your clients away. The barter network gives your team access to additional services, giving your business the power to do more for your clients.

Corporate Event Hosting & Promotion

Market your business and host your next event with Exmerce or other Exmerce members. From marketing services to event space and catering—bartering gives your team access to more.

Networking & Local Brand Awareness

Attend our networking events, meet local businesses, and connect with professionals in your city. Exmerce actively helps businesses expand their local presence & public brand awareness.

Team Building & Employee Perks

Bring your team together with corporate outings, catered meetings, and access to corporate perks such as training and professional development though the Exmerce network.

Taxable Charitable Donations

Charitable donations (and business expenses) which are normally tax deductible as cash transactions are also tax deductible as trade purchases.

Let’s talk about your business and explore the many ways bartering could work for you

Tell us a bit about yourself and we’ll call you