A business in the start up phase usually has one major challenge, CASH FLOW! In this regard, Exmerce has made an incredible difference to Creative Impetus and to my personal life as well. I am involved in a number of endeavours, to include a Marketing and Communications company. It was for me, an incredible luxury to meet with Riccio Law, knowing that I could barter legal fees in respect to a number of company formations. That has been the biggest business boon to date for me, along with the printing I have utilized for a number of projects.
It is the personal level where I really have felt the impact of my Exmerce membership. I am a single mother and given the tight budget surrounding the launch of a new company, extras are basically unheard of. In my case, dental was a big issue and definitely something to be put off until “I can afford it”. With Exmerce I can afford it… NOW! It has been a huge thing for me as I definitely would have alotted that cash to another “necessity” and Exmerce has allowed me to look after myslef! The same goes for cleaning. Personal cleaning for a home-based start up? Are you kidding? However, having my home clean and my time saved in the process has opened up more time for my son and a better space for me to create my business in.
I have only just got started! I made a list of everything I can use from our barter network and intend to make it to the bottom of the list soon. Cash is king and I am happy for every penny I don’t spend!